Make your own butter in 3 easy steps 😁

Who knew that making you own butter was so easy? Really! We are getting more aware of the additives and preservatives in our everyday food. Even the simple things such as bread and butter have preservatives and other agents in it. All that you need to make your very own fresh churned butter is a simple tub of fresh whipping cream. Seriously, that’s it. 

Here are the 3 easy steps to make butter and once you try it we promise you will never buy it from the supermarket again.

1. Pour a tub of fresh whipping cream into your mixing bowl.

2. Whisk with a balloon whisk in an electric mixer on high speed or by hand with a standard whisk. If you opt for the non electric option be prepared for sore arms!

3. After around 5-10 minutes the cream should start to thicken. Do not stop there though. It will go watery at this point and shortly after that your butter will appear. Remove and drain the whey ( the liquid waste ) and rinse your beautiful fresh ball of butter in cold water for a few minutes. That’s it! Chill for a short time once you have shaped it into a small block or roll and enjoy.

The whey that is left in the bowl is ideal as an alternative to butter milk when baking. 

Try spicing things up a bit for special occasions. We made chilli and lime zest butter. Amazing! Or try our other idea which was black truffle and goats cheese. Even your own garlic butter for that juicy steak or fresh fish. Impress friends at the next dinner party. Why not try cranberry, orange and cinnamon butter for Christmas? 

We bought our butter churn online for less than twenty pounds, click here for more info.

Watch the short video of the butter churn in action 😀

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